April 12, 2021

At First United B
ank, one of our Founding Principles is Community. The Bank’s Founder, Ray M. Bain, believed that we have been successful by hiring great people who are truly committed to our organization and the communities we serve.
Living and working in West Texas, our employees—or STARS as we call them, know that there’s an unspoken sense of pride and respect that’s at the core of those from around here—a history of people rolling up their sleeves and helping out a neighbor in need, even when it isn’t convenient or easy. And in this Spirit of Community, we created the Community Spirit Project.
For the past six years, all 230 of our First United Bank STARS in each of our 11 communities, have come together on a specific weekend in April to build and beautify our communities in some way. This year, on April 16
th & 17
th, we’ve challenged each of our Banking Centers to take a more personal approach to choosing their 2021 Community Spirit Projects. Many of our neighbors could use our help right where it matters most to them, in their homes. Our STARS have worked to identify community members, neighbors or customers whose home is in need of our help. A few examples of these projects are:
- Spending a day cutting the grass, cutting back trees, clearing walkways, and planting flowers and shrubs.
- Touching up paint on outdoor shutters, front door, etc.
- Cleaning out the rain gutters.
- Repairing fences.
- Building or repairing their wheelchair ramps, stairs, railings, etc.
We are so proud be a part of each of our communities and to have the opportunity to serve them not only with their banking needs, but also outside of the Bank walls. This weekend, on April 16
th & 17
th, we invite you to join us in the Spirit of Community by serving your neighbors in some way. Maybe it’s picking up trash that you see blowing by or offering to mow your neighbors’ lawn. We are blessed to live in West Texas with what we believe are the greatest friends and neighbors in the world, and that’s worth celebrating!
“We have been successful due to the hard work and loyalty of our customers and by hiring great people who are truly committed to our organization and to the communities in which we serve.”
– Ray M. Bain, Founder