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5 Reasons to be Thankful for West Texas

5 Reasons to be Thankful for West Texas
5 Reasons to be Thankful for West Texas As we approach Thanksgiving Day, it’s a good time to stop and reflect on all that each of us has to be thankful for. Family, friends, a good job, a safe place to sleep at night—and the gift of living in West Texas! But for those of us that have lived around here for a while, you may need a reminder of just how great we have it. Because it’s possible that within the last few days you and your freshly washed hair have fallen victim to the brutal West Texas winds, or maybe you put a sweater on in the morning only to be wishing you were wearing shorts by afternoon. Whatever minor inconvenience has you down, don’t worry, we’re here to remind you just how lucky we are to live in West Texas.
  1. The sunsets. There may not be a mountain range in sight, but we’re okay with that because it leaves lots of wide-open sky to be painted with some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world!
  2. The people. The people in West Texas are just hard to beat. When writing this blog, we asked multiple people to tell us their favorite thing about living here and there wasn’t one person that DIDN’T mention the people. The spirit of community and kindness runs deep around here and if you take the time to notice it, the people of West Texas will end up at the top of your list, too.
  3. The opportunities. West Texas has a diverse economy, and our unique landscape makes it possible for oil and gas, agriculture, farming and a wide variety of other job opportunities to be available right here in our own backyard.
  4. The food. We may be biased, but West Texas has the best local restaurants. From BBQ to Tex-Mex, and from the local dive bar to fine dining, you can’t beat the food around here.
  5. The “all-in” spirit. We mentioned the people of West Texas… but we have to mention the “all-in” spirit of the people from around here. Whether it’s Texas Tech athletics (or let’s be honest—really any kind of competition) or rallying together to help a friend or neighbor in need, West Texans are all in. They see the job through and usually have a pretty good time doing it!
This Thanksgiving we hope you’re able to slow down for a bit and take time to enjoy the things you’re most thankful for. At First United Bank and Spirit Mortgage, we’re thankful for our STARS, customers and neighbors and community partners that help make West Texas such a great place to live. From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!