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Avoid Phishing eMail Attacks

Avoid Phishing eMail Attacks
Avoid Phishing Attacks eMail phishing attacks have been used by cybercriminals for years. However, cybercriminals continue to get smarter and are constantly trying new ways to steal your money and access your personal information. As we start a new year, we want to remind you that First United Bank will NEVER ask for your personal information via eMail. As always, it’s vital that you pay close attention to every eMail you receive. Be on the lookout for these indicators that someone is trying to gain access to your information.
  • The eMail is
  • The sender requests personal information.
  • The sender requests an immediate response or quick action.
  • You receive an eMail requesting that you purchase gift cards to send them, or on their behalf.
  • The eMail contains an altered  eMail address or domain name such as, in which the 1 replaces the I.
  • The eMail includes unexpected attachments such as pictures, PDFs, word documents, excel spreadsheets, etc.
Cybercriminals tactics are ever evolving but using these checkpoints will help you remain vigilant in protecting yourself and your personal information.