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Cyber Scams to Avoid Related to COVID-19

Cyber Scams to Avoid Related to COVID-19
As time goes on, it’s easy to become numb to the news surrounding COVID-19. Frequent news coverage about the physical dangers of the pandemic, as well as the cyber dangers, make it easy to become lax about protecting ourselves. It’s important to continue to be aware of cyber scams that are prevalent during this time. Scammers are using the uncertainty of the virus to take advantage of many unsuspecting people. Review these tips for how to protect yourself during this time (and always).
  1. Look out for phishing eMails attempting to collect your personal information and logins. As always, don’t click on links or open attachments in an eMail from someone you don’t know and trust. These attacks continue to rise as more of us are at home and spending more time doing business online.
  2. Don’t trust websites claiming to be tracking COVID-19; there are scammers using these sites to install malware to your computer.  Please visit the CDC website ( for official information regarding COVID-19 tracking and testing. You can also consult your local news sites and city government websites for updated information about cases in your area.  
  1. As always – financial institutions will NEVER call and ask for your account information. If you are looking to open an account, or check on the status of your accounts/loans, be sure to open your own browser and type in the web address of your institution before entering any personal information.
Thank you for doing your part to help keep your family, your personal information and your community safe. We will continue to work hard to protect you and keep you well-informed. Stay safe and well and know that with First United Bank, you’re covered.